Therapeutic device for children with ADHD using brain signals sensors to improve their concentration


  • Cristian Iza Investigador Independiente
  • Andres Fernando Morocho Caiza Escuela Superior Politecnica de Chimborazo



Brain reading, Concentration, ADHD, Device Control, Signal Processing


The application of alternative therapies focused on technological devices for the treatment of ADHD (Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder) is the right way for school-age children's learning and motivation, improving their ability to concentrate on carrying out their daily and school activities properly. This article presents the development of tool to support therapies on ADHD subjects. The device was developed based on reading brain signals to improve concentration levels for those who use it. It features a user interface with 3 programmed challenges representing the 3 existing difficulty levels: easy, moderate, and challenging to treat ADHD progressively. Through signal processing, all the raw signals emitted by the brain reader are transformed into signals that can be understood by the system and, in this way, assign a range of the extracted signal for the control of output devices. Thanks to the results obtained after the performance tests, children diagnosed with ADHD obtained a 20% more improvement in concentration compared to the initial data before the challenges.



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How to Cite

C. Iza and A. F. Morocho Caiza, “Therapeutic device for children with ADHD using brain signals sensors to improve their concentration: Array”, Perspectivas, vol. 3, no. 1, pp. 23–31, Jan. 2021.



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