Non-Ionizant electromagnetic radiation levels in Riobamba city


  • Pedro Severo Infante Moreira Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo
  • Luis Castillo Heredia Corporación Nacional de Telecomunicaciones
  • Fidel Gilart Gonzalez Universidad de Oriente



Mobile Telephony, Base Stations, Exposure to Rediofrequency Electromagnetic Fields, Population Exposure, Electromagnetic Environment


The accelerated proliferation of mobile phone base stations in urban areas in different cities has generated a massive concern among citizens due to fears about t the possible harmful effects of electromagnetic fields on health. The electromagnetic field (EMF) characterization is shown in this research. It was generated in an urban environment by wireless communication systems, such as cell phone base stations and radio and TV antennas. The characterization was carried out in a neighborhood (between 10 and 150 m) with 26 antennas in Riobamba city (168 measurement points) using a NARDA NBM 550 broadband field meter, operating with a frequency range from 100 kHz to 3 GHz. The maximum values of the electric field's intensity and the Global Positioning System (GPS) coordinates were recorded in each measured point. Compliance with the International Commission on Protection against Non-Ionizing Radiations (ICNIRP) guidelines and the Ecuadorian safety regulations against environmental EMF was analyzed. The results showed that the electric field levels are well below the established limits. However, due to the city's growth and the increase in the number of antennas in the future, it is recommended to maintain regular monitoring to assess the temporal evolution and study the electromagnetic environment's spatial distribution.



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How to Cite

P. S. Infante Moreira, L. Castillo Heredia, and F. Gilart Gonzalez, “Non-Ionizant electromagnetic radiation levels in Riobamba city: Array”, Perspectivas, vol. 3, no. 1, pp. 18–22, Jan. 2021.



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