Critical Historical Analysis of the Proportion in the West from the Greek Period to the Renaissance


  • Ximena Idrobo Cárdenas Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo



Definition of Proportion, Elements of a Proportional System, Greek Period, Renaissance


The study of the proportion has been relevant in the design from the Greek period to the Renaissance. There are countless treaties that address the issue but not explicitly. From the absence of a specific theoretical body of the proportion in the periods of study, it is established as objective to determine the constituent elements of the proportion from the historical-critical analysis, through the analysis of the definitions from the Greek period to the Renaissance, the design procedure and the determination or not of the components of a proportional system. Methodologically, the historical-critical methods were used to unravel the elements that characterize the proportions or systems, the proportional analog method to establish the common elements in the definitions that emerge during the study periods, the systemic-structural method for determining the application guidelines and the components of a proportional system. The critical historical analysis of the proportion from the Greek period to the Renaissance allowed us to establish the constituent elements of the proportion that, due to its complexity, transcends the level of compositional category and becomes a proportional system, as well as demonstrating the relevance of the management of the proportion in the design and its link with thought and aesthetic considerations.



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How to Cite

X. Idrobo Cárdenas, “Critical Historical Analysis of the Proportion in the West from the Greek Period to the Renaissance: Array”, Perspectivas, vol. 2, no. 1, pp. 14–24, Jan. 2020.



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