Educational software for the recognition of emotions in children with autism: Case of study at the Special Education Institute “Carlos Garbay”


  • Paulina Paula Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo
  • Verónica Cunalata Investigador Independiente
  • Daniel Acosta Investigador Independiente
  • Patricio Santillán Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo



Autism, Emotions, Educational Software, TICs


Present work reposts on the development of a software tool to support teaching-learning process about the emotion recognition on autistic children. To collect specific information from the target group, a field study was carried out in the Especial Education Institute “Carlos Garbay” in Riobamba city. The collected information begins with the design stage, based on the Bruce Archer´s methodology, allowing to elaborate a specific identity for the application. Regarding software development the Peré Marqués methodology was used. Results obtained are the identity, the structuring and layout of educational software with the respective navigation map and user manual. Also, from the test performed in the Institute, it was observed that the recognition of emotions by autistic children increased from a medium to medium-high level.



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How to Cite

P. Paula, V. Cunalata, D. Acosta, and P. Santillán, “Educational software for the recognition of emotions in children with autism: Case of study at the Special Education Institute ‘Carlos Garbay’: Array”, Perspectivas, vol. 1, no. 2, pp. 8–14, Jul. 2019.



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