Propagation models applied in open areas under LTE technologies and fitting with measurements


  • Joseph
  • Daniel
  • Erick



Propagation Model, LTE, Movistar


This paper presents an analysis of propagation models using power intensity levels measured with the Cell Info Lite application at the Department of Computer Science and Electronics of ESPOCH University, using Movistar’s LTE technology. Using Google Earth software, the base radio was precisely located based on the coordinates obtained. Concentric circles were then drawn, covering 145 points outside the Department of Computer Science and Electronics, covering an area of 36400 m^2. At each point, three measurement campaigns were performed on different days, but with similar schedules. The objective was to compare propagation models and observe variations in losses within the proposed scenario. The findings indicate that the Erceg model aligns closely with the measured values obtained from the Cell Info Lite application. Therefore, this model is considered the most suitable for this particular scenario. These results have significant implications for the deployment and optimization of LTE technology, specifically in scenarios similar to the Department of Computer Science and Electronics at ESPOCH University. The selection of a suitable propagation model, such as the Erceg model, can greatly improve network planning, coverage and performance for Movistar users.



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How to Cite

L. J. Sefla Urquizo, J. A. Aguilar Bonilla, D. A. Basantes Cherrez, and E. A. Tintin Sánchez, “Propagation models applied in open areas under LTE technologies and fitting with measurements”, Perspectivas, vol. 5, no. 2, pp. 15–24, Aug. 2023.



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