Study of the behavior of the Electric Field intensity for 7 continuous days in the frequency band from 76 MHz to 2.686 GHz inside the ESPOCH using the Narda SRM-3000 equipment


  • Pedro Severo Infante Moreira Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo (ESPOCH)
  • Luis Javier Castillo Heredia
  • Jordan Sebastián Huilca Logroño
  • Alexandra Macarena Flores Arroba
  • Daniela Rocío Carrasco Cayambe
  • Fidel Alexander Gilart González



Keywords- Cellular telephony, electric field intensity, base stations, population exposure, electromagnetic environment.


Abstract - In the city of Riobamba, there has been a great increase in radio bases due to the demand for telecommunications services by the population, as well as the supplier companies, with the cell phone industry showing an index higher growth. That is why there is an increase in electromagnetic radiation, which is found in the environment and day by day the population is exposed to less. Below is a study in the frequency range from 76 MHz to 2.686 GHz by means of average electric field measurements carried out next to the medical dispensary inside the ESPOCH located in the city of Riobamba, the measurement was carried out during 7 consecutive days, in the vicinity of an antenna located in the external part of the ESPOCH, to determine the behavior of the electric field, the maximum, average and minimum values of the measurements in different time ranges were taken as reference. With which it was verified that the values are below the limits established in the ICNIRP and ITU T-K.52 regulations. However, in the future it is important to have constant studies and monitoring of the areas with the greatest exposure to electromagnetic radiation, so that in this way we can determine strict compliance with the guidelines issued in the consequent regulations.



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How to Cite

P. S. Infante Moreira, L. J. Castillo Heredia, J. S. Huilca Logroño, A. M. Flores Arroba, D. R. Carrasco Cayambe, and F. A. Gilart González, “Study of the behavior of the Electric Field intensity for 7 continuous days in the frequency band from 76 MHz to 2.686 GHz inside the ESPOCH using the Narda SRM-3000 equipment”, Perspectivas, vol. 4, no. 1, pp. 27–32, Feb. 2022.



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