Oxyhydrogen production as an energy alternative


  • Marco Rosero Espín Universidad Central del Ecuador
  • Humberto González Universidad Central del Ecuador
  • Patricia Ochoa Universidad Central del Ecuador
  • Magdalena Díaz Universidad Central del Ecuador
  • Edward Jiménez Universidad Central del Ecuador
  • Cristina Castillo Universidad Central del Ecuador
  • Diego Chulde Instituto de Investigación Geológico y Energético
  • Ullrich Stahl Universidad Central del Ecuador




Oxyhydrogen gas, Electrochemical cells, Deterioration of electrodes


The use of oxyhydrogen (HHO) in high power internal combustion engines improves their performance compared to fossil fuels. The goal of this work is to show the potential of electrochemical production of HHO as well as the deterioration of its electrodes. The process involves the use of electrochemical reactors with wet and dry cells design, fed with direct current. In this work these cells used 0.3 M and 1 M aqueous solutions of sodium hydroxide (NaOH) which help redox reactions at the electrodes. The gas generated is collected, its composition is determined by a portable gas detector equipment and its combustion power is tested. The deterioration of the cells is analyzed, identifying the physical variations of the electrodes by visual inspection. HHO production is verified with an average of 1240 milliliters per minute, at a 2:1 ratio (H2/O2).



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How to Cite

M. Rosero Espín, “Oxyhydrogen production as an energy alternative”, Perspectivas, vol. 3, no. 2, pp. 62–67, Jul. 2021.



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