Precision agriculture using WSN with smart nodes applied to an irrigation system in blackberry cultivation


  • Marjorie Paredes Investigador Independiente
  • Wilson Zúñiga Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo
  • Andres Fernando Morocho Caiza Escuela Superior Politecnica de Chimborazo
  • María Mendoza Investigador Independiente



Sensor network, Network topology, Precision cultivation, Irrigation control


Intelligent sensor network for the supervision and control of irrigation of the blackberry plot in the Experimental Irrigation Center (CER) of the ESPOCH consists of an electronic system of wireless sensors based on Arduino development boards. The system consists of three nodes with a mesh-type network topology that allow measuring soil moisture and ambient temperature to suggest when it is necessary to irrigate and its volume. In addition, it includes a mobile application that maintains communication via Bluetooth to view the readings from the sensor node. On the other hand, the data is received and visualized in real time in a graphical way and stored in the free ThinkSpeak platform. The acquisition of the samples was carried out during eight consecutive days and the results presented show that the wireless system implemented maintains a communication without loss at distances of 300 meters in direct line of sight with a reception power of -58dBm.



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How to Cite

M. . Paredes, W. . Zúñiga, A. F. Morocho Caiza, and M. . Mendoza, “Precision agriculture using WSN with smart nodes applied to an irrigation system in blackberry cultivation ”, Perspectivas, vol. 3, no. 2, pp. 26–30, Jul. 2021.



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