Wireless Sensor Network for the Supervision and Control in Real Time of Failures in Luminaires of the Public Lighting


  • Fernando Martínez Investigador Independiente
  • Franklin Ruiz Investigador Independiente
  • Gabriela Barrazueta Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo (ESPOCH)
  • Pablo Lozada Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo (ESPOCH)




Wireless Communications, Public Lighting, Arduino, Raspberry Pi, Wireless Sensor Networks , ZigBee Communication


A wireless sensor network is implemented for control of faults of the public lighting with star topology, based on ZigBee communication between the router node and the coordinator node. The first node works with an Arduino development card to process the information of the luminaire coming from the sensors of current, voltage and position, and then send it to the coordinator using Xbee modules. The second node does not work with two development cards: Arduino processes the information of the routers nodes altogether with its own luminaire and Raspberry Pi sends the obtained data to a web where it allows to register the status of the luminaires. Of the tests carried out, it is obtained that the system can measure voltage values with an error of ± 0.01, current with an error ± 0.1 A. It is concluded that the implemented prototype allows real-time supervision of lighting failures and   would become an aid for the detection of faults in public lighting lamps.



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How to Cite

F. . Martínez, F. . . Ruiz, G. Barrazueta, and P. . Lozada, “Wireless Sensor Network for the Supervision and Control in Real Time of Failures in Luminaires of the Public Lighting”, Perspectivas, vol. 4, no. 1, pp. 1–10, Feb. 2022.



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